I’m currently writing a fantasy novel titled The Way of the Law, which serves as the first installment in a planned ten-book series. This inaugural story follows the journey of a once-revered constable who has fallen into disgrace and alcoholism after the tragic death of his partner. Burdened by guilt and self-loathing, he embarks on a perilous quest for redemption, delving into a city rife with corruption and an underworld of dark magic.

The University of Björnhavn, carved into the rugged mountainside, stands as a testament to the ingenuity and perseverance of the Kingdom of Ellessar. This prestigious institution is a haven for the realm’s most brilliant scholars, fostering a legacy of knowledge and discovery within its stone-carved halls.

The series is structured to spotlight a different character in each of the first five books, with their individual stories weaving together into an intricate tapestry. As the series progresses, these lives will converge, uniting the characters to face a looming, world-shaking threat.

The Free City of Magebridge is a thriving independent city-state nestled within the borders of the Kingdom of Ellessar. Situated at the strategic confluence of two rivers, Magebridge has flourished as a center of knowledge, trade, and arcane study. It is home to the esteemed Council of Mages, a powerful and influential body that offers guidance and counsel to monarchs across the world.

The setting of these novels is a richly developed fantasy world that has grown alongside me. It began as a creative outlet during my teenage years, evolving over time into a complex universe filled with diverse cultures, deep lore, and intricate histories. This world has been a vessel for my imagination and an ever-expanding canvas for storytelling, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

Keep an eye on the blog page for any updates.